Bund der Bayern - Adelaide German Dancers

Join Us!
Perhaps you have seen our group perform and thought to yourself "I'd like to try that!", maybe you appreciate German/Bavarian heritage or you are looking to challenge yourself with a fantasic new venture of a lifetime?
The Bund der Bayern is always looking for new members. You need not be of Bavarian descent or a performer, however a passion for Bavaria and a sense of rhythm certainly helps!
Joining the Bund der Bayern is more than just joining a dance group, we are an inclusive, energetic and supportive social entity with both groups for children and adults.
Come and try on every second or fourth Wednesday from 7-8:30pm (adults practice) or on every first or third Saturday from 12:30-1:30pm (kids practice - not during school holidays or on long weekends).
We currently practice at 312 Glen Osmond Rd, Myrtle Bank, and other locations.
It is important to call the group leader beforehand on 0423 496194 to check that there haven't been changes at short notice.