Bund der Bayern - Adelaide German Dancers
Future Events

Coming up in 2021:
To be updated shortly
Please see our special page for Herbstfest 2021

Private or Commercial?
The Bund der Bayern can be requested to perform for your private or commercial function!
Contact us now to discuss the possibilities.
We generally charge a small fee which helps to cover our operations, including buying new "Trachten" (traditional costumes) and travel costs. The fee is usually dependent on various factors, including:
Day of the week, and time of the day
Time of the year (we are very busy in October!)
Required number of dancers
Please note that our dancers usually work on a volunteers basis, and any monies received stay with the group only. We therefore generally ask that our volunteers be treated nicely at any event, and be included for catering/drinks (to make sure they at least get to enjoy the performance).